Singularity workflow

Create a Container

There are two ways to create a container 1) as a regular folder 2) as a disk image .simg

  1. as a regular folder within your specified directory

sudo singularity build --sandbox ubuntu/ docker://ubuntu

with this option you can use tree -L 1 ubuntu to list the content of the current sandbox directly

  1. as a disk image

sudo singularity build --writable ubuntu.img docker://ubuntu

For this option, you will get a single ubuntu.img, as a single container file.

Customize the Container

i.e. installed the required packages, library, software –

  1. as a regular folder
sudo singularity shell ubuntu
  1. as a disk image
sudo singularity shell --writable ubuntu.img

Building the container image

build into a squashfs image:

sudo singularity build ubuntu.simg ubuntu/
sudo singularity build ubuntu.simg docker://ubuntu

This will clean up the image and only keep the differences from docker://ubuntu


  • Singularity Doc Flow <>