Singularity Container Instances Service

From Singularity version 2.4 onwards, you can cleanly, reliably, and safely run services in a container.

For the example here, we will start nginx service inside the container instance. First, we will need to put the command that we want to run in a script.:

service nginx start

Start the Instance

With the %startscript included in the singularity nginx.simg image. We can start the nginx service with:

              [command]        [image]    [name of instance]
$ singularity instance.start   nginx.img  web

Check the Running Instance

After start up the service instance, you can check which instances are running using:

$ singularity instance.list
web              790      /home/mibauer/nginx.img

Multiple instances from the same image can be started as well.

Mount Host Folder (Bind Mount)

For example, if you wish to capture the output of the web1 container instance which is placed at /output/ inside the container you could do:

$ singularity instance.start -B output/dir/outside/:/output/ nginx.img  web1

Connect to the Running Instance

$ singularity instance.stop web1

Stop the Running Instance

$ singularity instance.stop \*
$ singularity instance.stop -a


Singularity: Running Services <>